Sunday, November 25, 2012

New Art and Thank-ful!

Hi there,

  Are you still with me?  It has really been a long time since my last post!  Oh so busy, painting , painting and more painting!  Thought this would be a good time to catch you up on what I have been doing in my sometimes spare time. I had planned to keep up to date with  weekly "Diary of Faces",  but I have been going so many directions the past few months.  Including down!  I fell a few weeks ago and it has really put a hitch in my get along.  I won't bore you with the details.  Hoping it will just go away soon.

Gosh, I don't know where to start...but I know I want to share some pictures, so I will just get to it.

The end of a Diary of  Faces ,I was inspired to paint this piece.
I am really pleased with the way she turned out!  She is definitely a California Girl !

This is a painting I did soon after I fell, my mom was here with me.  I feel like it is our painting.  Me and my Mommas.
 The sky actually looked pretty much like this all day , one of the rare times we had stormy skies. 
This has been a rough time for my mom,  two of her sisters in the hospital.  We love them so much and pray they get better really soon.

From my Life Book a lesson inspired by Tracy Verdugo
I am in love with this process and can't wait to get to the next one.  Some of you may have noticed that this is my profile pic for Face book !  Really fun colors huh?

One more thing before I close.  I just want to say "Thank-you" to everyone who has helped me  grow in my  personnel art journey this past year. Thank you for lessons learned and critiques. Thank-you for wonderful friends and family all over the world. I've been blessed.
  Thank-you for letting me ,be me.  

 I hope to be back soon and show you what I am working on for Christmas! 
Bye, Bye for now...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Stephanie,

Hope you are feeling better. I am missing our DOF class. I added your blog to my Bloglovin list. Take care.


The sum of happiness is made up of a thousand details. A little kindness done one less fortunate gives the heart a beat of pleasure that no millinery or laces or jewels can possibly inspire.
To overcome prejudice is more satisfying than a ten-course dinner.
To subdue a difficulty and smother a selfish disire is to become strong and splendid.
If life is worth living at all, it is worth living in a state of progress and improvement.
If we moan and groan, filling the air with dissatisfaction and gloom, we can scarcely hope to partake of much contentment.
All you need is a good thump on the back by some cheerful soul who has faith in you, and promise to yourself that you will face your work and your worries cheerfully,-(Selected)